97// this is the path to the file that maps keywords and categories in a WebOSApp Application descriptor (ApplicationDescription)
98// to a Page designator. Its format is in the QSettings INI format.
99// It also defines the designator names for any auxiliary pages, *besides* favorites. In fact, never specify a designator named 'favorites' in this section
114// this picks the index at which the App Installer will place all the user installed applications, as they are installed
115// It's an index, rather than a page name or designator, so that in the face of changing names in configs, this can still "work".
116// It will be up to the product team to assure that this index is always in line with what the file pointed to by 'appKeywordsToPageDesignatorMapFilepath'
117// has listed in terms of auxiliary pages, and appropriately matches this index to what page is the "app page"
118// if it is invalid, then index 0 will be used.
119// (default = 2 ; immediately to the right of Favorites , at default = 1)
122// since a requirement is that the app catalog app appear on the page 'installedAppPageIndex' along with the user installed apps, this var holds the WebOS appid
123// (e.g. com.palm.app.findapps) of that app, so that during an INITIAL scan, it can be placed on the correct page
124// leave blank to disable this feature; in that case, the app catalog app will end up on whatever page the default icon placement policy decides
148// this setting only applies to the INITIAL state of the launcher - i.e. how it comes from a fresh flash WITHOUT a restored profile.
149// if set to true, then a multi page configuration will be created based on apps' categories and keywords and various other system properties such
150// as which page designators were defined, etc...essentially a big glob logic of a lot of the variables above and the mechanisms they control
151// (e.g. installedAppsPageIndex , etc)
152// if set to false, then a "static" configurator is used, which uses legacy (json formatted) layout files, subject to customization, to try and create
153// an initial configuration based on the apps that are installed
154// the legacy files ARE expected to be modified with the correct designators, as per contents of appKeywordsToPageDesignatorMapFilepath
155// (default = false ; using static configurator, per GEMSTONE-RD specs)
162// if true, the old launcher (bfish) customization files for launcher layout and quicklaunch will be ignored (the defaults in /etc/palm/ will not be, and will be used instead)
178// whereas debugArchiveLauncherSavesOnLauncherInit is for debugging the issues with corrupt launcher save files, 'safeLauncherBoot' will
179// take action to prevent a boot with corrupt files. It will delete the entire 'savedPagesDirectory', and then exit LunaSysMgr (a forced "reboot")
180// (default = true). Change it to false to debug/inspect corruptions. Setting this to true (which should be the setting for Production) will *not* save